Training and Coaches Corner
Dedicated to our coaches, the Training and Coaches Corner page provides links to helpful guides and a lot of information to help you prepare for your team at EGGSL.
Coaches click below for Training Resources:
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On-Line Resources
Beginner Videos:
Catching a Softball
Fielding A Softball
Throwing a Softball
Throwing Drills
Hitting Grip and Stance
Hitting Basic Drills
Hitting Follow Through
Running to First Base
Pitching Basics
Catching Basics
Popular bat, ball and glove drills
Tracking fly balls
Intermediate Videos:
YSPN360 Full Game Drills (also on YouTube)
Catching a Fly Ball
Tony Gwynn Hitting 101
Amanda Scarborough Batters Box Routine
Rich Balswick Pitching
Practice Plans and Drills:
There is an awesome full practice plan with detailed softball drills created by
Drills and Practice Plans.pdf